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Stages of life.
One of the joys of pet ownership is watching our furry friends grow and change over the years. But as they age, their health care and lifestyle needs will evolve too. As responsible pet owners, it’s our job to stay attuned to these changes and adjust their care as needs change.

Stages of life guides.
Puppy care guide
Caring for a puppy can be both exciting and challenging. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your new furry friend:
As a pet owner, you want to do everything you can to keep your puppy healthy and safe. That’s why it’s important to follow the recommended vaccination schedule for puppies.
Learn more about vaccinating your puppy below.
Parasite control
As a new puppy owner, you may be wondering how to best protect your furry friend from parasites. While there are many products on the market, it is important to consult with your vet to determine which one is right for your puppy and your lifestyle.
There are two main types of parasites that can affect puppies – internal and external. Internal parasites, such as roundworms and hookworms, live inside the puppy’s body and can cause serious health problems. External parasites include fleas, mites and ticks. Fleas can cause skin irritation and flea dermatitis. Paralysis ticks are extremely dangerous, causing paralysis of the muscles. This can include the heart and lung muscles which can be fatal. Prevention is always safer and cheaper. We recommend Nexgard in puppies as it is a monthly chew. Nexgard comes in different sizes and goes by a dog’s weight, meaning puppies can go up the next weight range each month as they grow.
The best way to protect your puppy from parasites is to prevent them from getting infected in the first place. This means keeping your puppy away from places where parasites might be present, such as in dirt or in the stool of other animals. It also means keeping your puppy’s environment clean and free of debris. Learn more about parasite control and how to keep your furry friend safe.
Diet & nutrition
When it comes to nutrition, puppies have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, so it’s important to focus on foods that are specifically formulated for their growing bodies. This includes those that are higher in energy, calcium and protein to support their rapid growth and is even specific to their breed. Our vets can help you choose the right food for your puppy based on their individual needs.
To find the best food for your puppy, talk to our team about what type of food is right for your pup.
Desexing puppies is an important step in responsible pet ownership. It can help reduce the number of unwanted animals in shelters, and it can also help your puppy stay healthy and happy.
There are many benefits to desexing puppies, including:
- Reduced risk of certain types of cancer
- Fewer chances of roaming and getting lost
- Reduced risk of humping and other nuisance behaviours
- Prevention of aggressive behaviours
Learn more about desexing your pup below.
Microchips are an important way to help keep your pet safe. If your furry friend ever gets lost, a microchip can help ensure they are quickly and easily reunited with you.
The microchip contains vital information about your pet, including your contact details. We will also register your pet to the NSW Pet Registry.
This is a quick and simple procedure that can give you peace of mind knowing that your beloved pet can always find their way back home. Get in touch with our team to learn more about microchipping your pup.
There are so many reasons that we advise pet insurance. We see too many situations where finances prevent the best level of care, and we would hate for this to happen to you.
At Bangalow Vets, we recommend Petplan covered 4 life policies to give you peace of mind in the event of accidents or illness. If you have a puppy or kitten who is over 8 weeks old and under 1 year old, Petplan offer a free 4-week cover, with no obligation to continue (and no financial details taken). We can even sign you up in the clinic using the details we already have (it takes none of your time) and then you have 1 month to decide whether you wish to continue insurance thereafter: it’s what we call a no-brainer.
Chat with our team to learn more about insurance for your pet.
Senior dog care guide.
As our furry friends age, they may start to experience some changes in their health. This can be a difficult time for pet owners, as we watch our beloved companions grow old before our eyes. However, there are ways to help your aging pet stay healthy and happy during their golden years.
Here are some tips on taking care of senior dogs:
- Keep up with their routine vaccinations and check-ups. This will help them stay healthy and protect them from potentially serious diseases.
- Watch for changes in their appetite or weight. A sudden change in appetite or weight can be a sign of illness in your aging pet. If you notice any changes, be sure to bring them in for a check-up.
- Keep an eye on their bathroom habits. Changes in bathroom habits can also be a sign of illness, so it’s important to keep an eye on this. If you notice any changes, it’s a good time for a check-up.
- Be aware of changes in their energy level. As your pet ages, they may start to slow down and have less energy. This is normal, but if you notice a sudden or drastic change in their energy level, it could be a sign of illness.
- Keep them active and engaged. Just because your pet is getting older doesn’t mean they don’t still need exercise! Keeping them active will help them stay healthy and happy. Try taking them for walks, playing fetch, or even just spending some time cuddling on the couch.
- Watch out for mobility issues. Often, these issues are the result of pain or stiffness in the joints and can make it difficult for your dog to get around. The gradual development of arthritis in senior pets is extremely common. While there are many commercial products available to help with this problem, there are also a number of natural remedies that can be just as effective. Chat with our team to learn more.
Kitten care guide.
Welcoming a kitten into your home can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a bit of an adjustment. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your new furry friend:
As a responsible kitten owner, it’s important to make sure your feline friend is up-to-date on their vaccinations. The timing of vaccinations will vary depending on the kitten’s age and health status, but most kittens will need to receive a course of vaccinations starting at around 6-8 weeks of age.
Learn more about vaccinating your kitten below.
Parasite control
As a cat owner, it’s important to be aware of the potential for parasites. Kittens are especially vulnerable to parasite infections, so it’s important to take steps to prevent and control them.
There are several types of parasites that can affect cats, including fleas, ticks, ear mites, and intestinal worms. Some of these parasites can be transmitted to humans, so it’s important to take precautions to protect yourself and your family as well.
The best way to prevent parasite infections is to keep your kitten up-to-date on their vaccinations and to practice good hygiene. Regularly cleaning your kitten’s litter box and brushing their fur can also help reduce the risk. If your kitten will be going outside, we also highly recommend tick prevention. We recommend Bravecto for cats and Revolution Plus for cats. Call us to find out if your kitten is old enough to start tick prevention. Learn more about parasite control and how to keep your furry friend safe below.
Diet & nutrition
Kittens need a diet that is high in energy, calcium, and protein for healthy growth. Kittens also require more frequent meals than adult cats, so be sure to provide them with small meals several times a day.
To find the best food for your kitten, talk to your veterinarian about what type of food is right for them.
Desexing kittens is an important step in responsible pet ownership. It can help reduce the number of unwanted animals in shelters, and it can also help your kitten stay healthy and happy.
There are many benefits to desexing kittens, including:
- Reduced risk of disease
- Fewer chances of roaming and getting lost
- Help reduce pet overpopulation
- Reduce unwanted spraying in tom cats
Learn more about desexing your kitten below.
Microchips are an important way to help keep your pet safe. If your furry friend ever gets lost, a microchip can help ensure they are quickly and easily reunited with you.
Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are inserted under the skin, usually between the shoulder blades. The microchip contains vital information about your pet, including your contact details. We will also register your pet to the NSW Pet Registry.
This is a quick and simple procedure that can give you peace of mind knowing that your beloved pet can always find their way back home. Get in touch with our team to learn more about microchipping for your kitten.
There are so many reasons that we advise pet insurance. We see too many situations where finances prevent the best level of care, and we would hate for this to happen to you.
At Bangalow Vets, we recommend Petplan covered 4 life policies to give you peace of mind in the event of accidents or illness. If you have a puppy or kitten who is over 8 weeks old and under 1 year old, Petplan offer a free 4-week cover, with no obligation to continue (and no financial details taken). We can even sign you up in the clinic using the details we already have (it takes none of your time) and then you have 1 month to decide whether you wish to continue insurance thereafter: it’s what we call a no-brainer.
Chat with our team to learn more about insurance for your pet.
Senior cat care guide.
Although it’s hard to think about, our cats won’t be with us forever. It’s important to cherish the time we have with them and to make sure we are doing everything we can to give them the best life possible. Here are some things to keep in mind when considering how to care for a senior cat:
- Their diet will change. As your cat gets older, they will need different nutrients to stay healthy. Make sure you are feeding them food that is specifically designed for senior cats.
- They may need more help with grooming. As they age, your cat may not be able to groom themselves as well as they used to. You may need to help them with brushing and bathing.
- Their exercise needs will change. Older cats may not have the same energy levels as they did when they were younger. But that doesn’t mean they don’t still need to exercise. Make sure you are providing them with opportunities to move around and stay active.
- They may need more assistance with litter box usage. As your cat gets older, they may have difficulty getting in and out of the litter box. You may need to make some accommodations, such as one with lower sides.
- They will need more love and attention. As your cat ages, they will still need plenty of love and attention from you. Make sure you are spending quality time with them every day.
- Cats can also suffer from arthritis. Changes may be subtle, but signs include stiffness and being less active in the cooler months.